I'm the kind of person who believes in appraising situations, making goals and working towards them. After I had my son two years ago, I realized that in spite of all the exercise I was doing, I wasn't losing any weight. That was how I found out that before I could lose one pound of weight, I needed to burn 3500 calories. This is not a fixed formula: For some overweight people, you can lose one pound by burning slightly less while some other people need to burn more than 3500 calories to lose one pound.
For you to lose weight successfully, you must have a long-term weight goal but you must also know how many calories you need to lose to reach this goal at your targeted time. My goal is to be 64 kg before September 10th, 2011 and from calculations, I need to have a daily calorie deficit of 482 or 3374 calories weekly. I can do this by:
- cutting out 482 calories from my diet daily;
- burning 482 calories daily by exercising or a cumulative 3374 calories weekly; or
- a combination of both on different days.
To calculate how many calories to lose weekly, click here.
Dr Fomsky

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