Tuesday, January 25, 2011

MInor setback: my scale was giving me wrong measurements!!

     I had my six-week postnatal visit today and guess what my weight was? 180 pounds (82kg)!! I was shocked because my scale at home gave me a measurement of 171 pounds! What a whopping 9 pounds difference!! I got a new scale this evening and it gave me a measurement of 178 pounds (81 kg). This is a whole lot closer to the weight I got in the clinic. I'm quite sad but I'm glad that I know my correct measurement. There's no need deceiving myself that I'm 9 pounds lighter than I really am!
     The scale I got is called a Healthometer and it measures body fat. According to it, my body fat is 42%! The upper limit for my age is 32% so I'm above normal if this scale is accurate: I have loads of work to do but I'll definitely keep you posted.

      Dr Fomsky


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