Sunday, January 30, 2011

Working towards a flatter tummy part 1

      Since I started working out 4 weeks ago, I haven't noticed any change in my waist size. This is somewhat depressing: I really want to have a flat tummy. How do all those celebrities do it? It amazes me how they get back their waist line within such a short time after giving birth.

I know that it took me 9 months to get to this point so I'm giving myself 9 months to get back to a fab body. I'm the kind of person that likes to research stuff because I believe that knowledge is power and I've learned a few things which I've been applying over the last few days. Before that, let me just talk briefly about causes of a persistent large tummy after pregnancy:

  1. Excess fat in the abdominal region
  2. Ingesting the wrong type of food
  3. Separation of the central abdominal connective tissue (diastasis recti)
  4. Prolonged bulging of the abdominal organ (over the last 9 months)
  5. Weak pelvic floor muscles
  6. Weakness of the core muscles especially the transverse muscle. There are 4 major abdominal muscles: rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, internal oblique and external oblique muscles. 

     I'll talk more about this soon.
     Dr Fomsky


Anonymous said...

pls help me in getting a flat guy is complaining.

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